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Why is My Cat Meowing So Much?


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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There’s something uniquely comforting about the soft, melodic purr of a cat. It’s a sound that can instantly make a room feel warmer. But what about those times when your cat’s meows become more frequent, louder, and seem to take on an urgent tone? If you’ve been asking yourself, “Why is my cat meowing SO much?” you’re not alone. This is a common concern for many cat parents.

Understanding Cat Language

First, it’s important to recognize that meowing is a primary way cats communicate. Each individual cat has a unique set of meows, similar to how humans have distinct voices. Some cats are just naturally more vocal than others. However, a sudden increase in meowing can be a sign that something isn’t quite right.

1. They’re Hungry

This might seem obvious, but your cat could be meowing because they’re hungry. Cats can be very vocal when they want food, especially if they can see the bottom of their food dish. Free feeding however, is not good for the health of your cat. If they are meowing because you have recently stopped this practice, don’t give in. They are used to the constant food, but they will eventually learn that they will no longer be getting that, and they will hopefully quite down.

2. Seeking Attention

Cats love attention and will often meow to get it. If your cat is meowing a lot, they might just want some quality time with you. Play with them, cuddle them, or engage in an activity they love. Play and mental stimulation is very important for their mental health. Here’s a list of great cat toys if you need some new ideas for play.

3. Health Concerns

An increase in your cat’s meowing could be a sign of underlying health issues. Conditions such as hyperthyroidism and kidney disease, common in older cats, can cause excessive meowing. If your cat’s behavior changes suddenly and drastically, send us an email at [email protected] and let’s see if we can figure out what’s going on.

4. Stress and Anxiety

Cats can be sensitive creatures and changes to their environment, routine or even their human’s behavior can cause them stress, leading to increased meowing. Have you moved recently? Got a new pet? Are stressed at your job? Identifying and addressing the source of stress can help reduce their vocalizations. Try Vitality Science’s Soothing Solution or Hemp Oil. Both can relax a stressed cat.

5. Aging and Cognitive Dysfunction

Just like humans, cats can suffer from cognitive decline as they age. This can cause confusion and disorientation, often leading to increased vocalization, especially during the night. Try giving your cat Vital Pet Lipids with DHA to support brain and nerve function.

We know that your cat is a part of your family, and not knowing why they are meowing can be sad, frustrating, and often annoying. Taking the time to understand their needs and communicate with them effectively can help foster a deeper bond and ensure a happy and healthy life for your beloved cat.

The post Why is My Cat Meowing So Much? appeared first on Vitality Science.
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