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When to Thrift: Chic on the Cheap


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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When to Thrift: Chic on the Cheap

I got my winter coat out of the trash. More on that here. But seriously, frugalizing your wardrobe is a stellar way to save dough.

Think about it:

  • Clothes meander in and out of style

  • Your size may fluctuate (it happens to all of us!)

  • Most importantly, clothes depreciate immediately!

Clothes and shoes are not, I repeat NOT, investments. They do not appreciate in value and you cannot (except in rare instances) sell them for a ton of money in the future. Clothes are immediately worth less than you bought them for, just by virtue of no longer being brand new. But, fear not, this is great news if you’re in the market for used clothes!

Thrifting is both art and science. Over the years,Mr. Frugalwoods and I have honed our knack for finding excellent deals on sweet threads.

Continue reading When to Thrift: Chic on the Cheap at Frugalwoods.
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