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View Filter Templates


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
Reaction score

Instructions from Video:

In Envisioneer you can add a variety of elements to create your 3D BIM model, however, you may not always need all of these elements visible at the same time.

In the View Filter you can turn specific elements on or off as needed. You can also save the selections in a template to quickly turn multiple elements on or off with a simple click of a button. This is a great tool for quickly revealing a framing plan, an electrical plan, or a furniture layout.

Select View>View Filter> View Filter.

At the top of the View Filter dialog box is the template option. Each template automatically will turn on or off the visibility of various elements. Select the Elevation option from the dropdown list and click the Edit Filter icon.

The Edit View Filter dialog box appears. Under each tab, you can close the eye beside the elements that you don’t want visible for this template. For the example Elevation template, you can see the Appliances, Cabinet, Electrical Elements, Electronics, Equipment, Interior Accessories, Interior Furniture, Interior Lighting, and Plumbing Fixtures are turned off. When this View Filter template is selected these elements automatically turn off, saving you time from having to individually select them each time you want an Elevation View.

You can close more eyes or open eyes to turn on and off the visibility. Once you are done editing the template, click Save. The template will be updated and available on all of your projects.

Select the New Filter icon.

The Edit View Filter dialog box appears. Under each tab, you can close the eye beside the elements that you don’t want visible for this template. At the bottom of the dialog box give the template a name. This name will then appear in the dropdown choices for template filters. Once you are done click Save.

The post View Filter Templates appeared first on Envisioneer.
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