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Updates On The Lives Of Some Frugal Weirdos


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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Updates On The Lives Of Some Frugal Weirdos

I don’t just write about extreme frugality and the awesome lifestyle it enables, I actually live it. Often, folks ask me how I devise my article concepts and the answer is that I simply draw from our daily lives. Everything I write about is either the articulation of an idea I’ve been mulling over or the result of something Mr. Frugalwoods and I experienced. I don’t make anything up on here, so it’s a darn good thing we live the frugal life every day. To that end, I thought I’d share a few tidbits with you on what’s been happening in the lives of these two (2.5 with Babywoods? 3.5 if you count Frugal Hound?) frugal weirdos.

The Great Frugalwoods Coffee Taste Test of 2015

Do you all remember the great Costco coffee experiment Mr. Frugalwoods and I embarked on last month? In case you’ve forgotten amidst your own frugal investigations, allow me to summarize.

Continue reading Updates On The Lives Of Some Frugal Weirdos at Frugalwoods.
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