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The False Choices That Steal Our Future


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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The False Choices That Steal Our Future

I’ve been reflecting quite a bit lately on the various facets of my life that go against the grain. In many ways, I disagree with the fundamental notions of what our culture says ‘the good life’ is all about. Whether it’s my disavowal of the theory that all new parents want (and should buy) only brand-new baby things, or my negation of the pressures society levies on women to pay for manufactured appearances, I’m just not buying it.

As Mr. Frugalwoods and I continue on our extreme frugality journey to early retirement (at age 33 to a homestead in the woods), I find myself increasingly perplexed at the lifestyle lauded by our dominant consumer culture. And I think it all boils down to choice.

Choice: The Ultimate Luxury

In the hierarchy of luxuries, Mr. FW and I prioritize choice of our life circumstances above just about everything else.

Continue reading The False Choices That Steal Our Future at Frugalwoods.
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