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Our Guide To A Very Frugal (Yet Still Awesome) College Experience


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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Our Guide To A Very Frugal (Yet Still Awesome) College Experience

If you graduated high school and are headed to college next month–congrats! Mr. Frugalwoods and I enjoyed that path just a few (ok more than a few… ) years ago and it truly is a magical time. Life is unfolding before your very eyes, you’re about to leave the nest, and the possibilities for your future are endless. But there’ll be time for all that poetic soul searching (not to mention toga parties) later. First, you’ve got to get through college with with your finances (and liver) intact.

It’s totally possible to snare yourself with lifelong debt during these four blissful collegiate years. But fear not, it’s also entirely possible to lessen the financial blow. I know that money isn’t exactly the most thrilling aspect of heading off to live on your own for the first time ever, but, fiscal responsibility doesn’t condemn you to an ascetic existence in the library.

Continue reading Our Guide To A Very Frugal (Yet Still Awesome) College Experience at Frugalwoods.
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