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New voice tech is the fertilizer to your growing business needs


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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Words like “steady,” “familiar,” and “predictable” aren’t exactly what we associate with success in today’s mile-a-minute business environment. What may have worked in years past to meet customer expectations, efficiently run a productive operation, and stay competitive simply won’t work in an increasingly complex and dynamic landscape. Change is the name of the game, and organizations that continuously adopt new enablement tools will be the ones that thrive. One great example: the newest generation of voice technologies, which helps you plant the seeds for – and sustain – new and organic growth.

“Change before you have to.”

These five wise words from legendary executive Jack Welch are sage advice if you’re looking to differentiate your company, continuously innovate, and serve the evolving needs of your customers. Are you still relying on paper-based workflows or local servers to run your tech stack?

Entrepreneurs aren’t afraid of change – they meet it headfirst, and many are ditching legacy business practices and technologies in favor of flexible applications that allow them to move at the new speed of business. Cloud-based, device-agnostic, and fully mobile, the latest voice innovations allow you to be more proactive in growing your business. Mitigating costly and labor-intensive IT maintenance and improving process efficiencies such as remote-team collaboration and document creation, are but a few of the benefits you can realize through the magic of speech-to-text. No matter your field or industry, being able to do things like quickly turn spoken notes into finished work products, automate document review and approval, and reliably track (and manage) digital files means you have more time to devote to strategic development.

Like having security detail for your data

On your journey to conquering the business world, you can’t forget about security. In the New Digital Era, keeping up with data protection as you grow your tech stack goes hand-in-hand like peanut butter and jelly. So, while you’re conducting business in new ways (virtual, remote, and hybrid work models, anyone?), make sure you’re using solutions that offer both the capabilities and the protection you need. Thanks to today’s cloud environment, you don’t have to choose between flexibility and security. Voice solutions with native security features such as real-time double encryption, PIN protection, and file audit trails keep data secure end-to-end, from recording to transmission to storage. Automatic backup functions in the cloud also protect data against accidental loss due to user errors, server crashes, Internet outages, and other disruptions to business continuity. The peace of mind you get from having both power and protection when doing business digitally is like having an insurance policy on your company’s valuable work product.

A caviar-level assistant on a tuna fish budget

What entrepreneur couldn’t use an extra hand (or several)…without the expensive resource investment? Sure, recorders and other dictation devices have been providing support to professional users for decades. But next-gen voice applications that quickly and accurately turn speech into text deliver higher-level value in today’s world. Simply recording notes or tasks using a cloud-enabled application, having them transcribed into a document format in near real-time, and sending the finished file through a smartphone, is like having a highly skilled and responsive assistant by your side 24x7x365. So even though technology can’t add hours to the day, the right speech-to-text solutions empower you to make the most of those hours and focus on driving new growth opportunities.

Are you positioned to separate your company from the pack? Find out the many ways innovation in speech-to-text can help you pull ahead by exploring our industry-leading portfolio https://www.dictation.philips.com/us/success-stories
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