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National Computer Security Day: Is Your Firm’s Tech Under Lock & Key?


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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In the Digital Era, cybersecurity is an ever-present aspect of people’s personal and professional daily lives. National Computer Security Day, which is recognized on November 30 each year, traces its roots back to 1988, as a response by the Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) to the nascent threats of cybercrime. The goal of this day – to increase awareness and implementation of proper digital security postures – grows more important as bad actors and their capabilities grow more sophisticated. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Report, financial losses from cybercrime totaled $6.9 billion last year, in addition to the immeasurable damage to trust and reputation that follows data breaches and the like.

Security gets top billing in law

In the legal field, data protection is critically important as the foundation of a fruitful client-attorney relationship is trust and confidentiality. Most law firms rely on some form of dictation, transcription and speech-to-text software to execute vast amounts of requisite document generation and record-keeping. As such, the solutions they use must employ the highest level of protection to safeguard the firm and its clients.

Does the firm’s tech stack…stack up?

Cloud-based voice technologies such as Philips SpeechLive have the enterprise-grade security features that modern firms need to flexibly conduct business, deliver outstanding service, and keep sensitive data protected. These solutions offer:

High-level file encryption | With SpeechLive, dictations are always created, sent and stored with industry-standard AES 256-bit encryption, whether using the web or mobile application. Philips partners with Microsoft Azure, one of the world’s leading enterprise-level cloud service providers, to maintain uncompromising security standards and processes. This ensures the highest level of data privacy and security and gives legal professionals peace of mind while sharing files securely.

Automatic routing and backups | Having automated, rules-based routing to the right typist or transcription service means recordings are less likely to be lost – or worse, misdirected to an unauthorized recipient through channels such as email. Further, SpeechLive users can create backups of all dictations, to recover them at a later point if necessary. The account administrator can restore accidentally deleted dictations up to 30 days after.

Access control | Keeping files confidential except to those who are appropriate to the project or client is the key to preventing data leaks. SpeechLive enables the assignment of authorized owners (with a username and password) to view documents, with user management and backup only available for administrators. Email-based multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra level of security via a secure authentication service by Microsoft that prevents security risks such as brute force attacks.

Real-time job status | With this feature, SpeechLive allows attorneys to track the status of their dictations at any time. Knowing where files are in the process from recording to final document creation is another way the solution provides transparency and accountability in the workstream.

Make data protection a priority everyday

It’s imperative to note that the field of data security is always evolving, and firms need to frequently and regularly assess their technology stack to stay apprised of the latest trends and developments in this arena. National Computer Security Day is designed to bring attention to this important topic, but it also requires discipline to execute measures to prevent security compromises.

In an article published by the American Bar Association (ABA), a staggering 29% of lawyers experienced breaches at their firms last year. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the same article cites a prediction by research and advisory organization Gartner that new federal privacy laws will be introduced in the wake of an alarming rise in cyber-attacks.

Winning law firms are getting on board with technologies that feature native security features: A recent report by Deloitte Legal projects significant growth in the adoption of cloud-based and SaaS solutions such as SpeechLive in the next two to five years, as companies realize they don’t need to sacrifice security to take advantage of cloud-enabled flexibility and convenience. It’s time for law firms to take a magnifying glass to their tech stack to support productivity, profitability, and protection.
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