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Midsona donation provides birding education for over 100 students in northern Cambodia’s wildlife sanctuaries


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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In October 2022, Sam Veasna Conservation Tours guide team facilitated birding education classes at Tmat Boey Primary and Secondary School located in the remote Northern Plains in Preah Vihear Province.

Teaching two classes comprising 52 students in Primary and 51 students in Secondary, our activities focused on the importance of the environment and what the students and the community can do to care for their home and school environment as well as the habitats of precious wildlife in their surrounding fields and forests.

We are grateful to Midsona for making it possible to provide our partnered communities with the educational resources and materials to improve local awareness of Cambodia’s critically endangered species while teaching our important role in ensuring their survival.


Classroom Study​

Morning from our presentations from our SVC guides followed by students answering follow-up questions about the presentations.

Viewing birds at Tmat Boey​

The students got to view some of the birds at their school with help from our SVC bird guides and the use of our world-class Swarovski Optik scopes.

Tmat Boey is a key village involved in the protection of critically endangered Giant Ibis and White-shouldered Ibis. Tmat Boey is also home to Great Slaty Woodpecker, Black-headed Woodpecker, Savanna Nightjar and Spotted Wood-Owl to name a few.

To few a full list of birds that can be seen at Tmat Boey, CLICK HERE



Bird drawing and colouring​

For Tmat Boey primary school students, SVC provided stationery packs that included stencils of some of the endangered birds in their village, including the critically endangered Giant Ibis.

Donation of bird photos​

On behalf of Midsona, SVC donated some of our best photos of critically endangered species found in Cambodia’s Northern Plains. They now hang on the school walls as a reminder to the next generations of students to protect these species.


Donate to our Environmental Education Program Today!​

Donate $25 today to educate one child about wildlife awareness in Cambodia.

To improve awareness and local community support for globally threatened water bird species and their unique habitat, SVC in collaboration with WCS has been conducting dedicated awareness-raising programs and community wildlife conservation events throughout key habitats in Northern Cambodia.

With the aim of both increasing and assessing local community support for wildlife conservation activities and making the illegal hunting of birds a socially undesirable behaviour that community members will report to law enforcement staff, the awareness-raising program will implement a series of village-level roadshows.

Experienced WCS community facilitators and communications staff will design, implement and assess the impact of the awareness program, which will make use of simple messaging to change behaviours at the village level.

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