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Landlord Law Blog Roundup for November


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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Here is a roundup of our blog posts for November.

Thursday 2nd November​

Landlord Law Blog Roundup for October 2023

Our roundup of posts for October

Friday 3rd November​

Landlord Law Newsround #315

Housing news and weekly updates

Monday 6th November​

Urban Myth – it can’t be an HMO if all the tenants sign the same tenancy agreement

know when you have an HMO or not

Wednesday 8th November​

If the tenancy agreement ‘gifts’ white goods to the tenant, are they really his?

This was a question asked via my Blog Clinic from a tenant

Friday 10th November​

Landlord Law Newsround #316

Our weekly Newsround

Pets and the ‘headlease’ problem

Be aware of potential issues with tenancies that have a ‘headlease’

Friday 17th November​

Landlord Law Newsround #317

Housing news and other legal updates

Saturday 18th November​

The continuing revolving door of housing ministers and problems in the department

How many housing ministers does it take?

Monday 20th November​

What should a tenant do if he wants to leave at the end of the fixed term?

This was asked in my Blog Clinic this week from a tenant

Friday 24th November​

Landlord Law Newsround #318

Our last Newsround for November

Sunday 26th November​

What does this landlord need to do when allowing the tenancy to continue as periodic?

This was asked by a landlord via my Blog Clinic

Monday 27th November​

Urban Myth – You have GOT to evict a tenant once the S21 notice expires

Read my Urban Myths series, this part answers the myths around S21 notices

Further Reading​

Landlord Law News Blog

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The post Landlord Law Blog Roundup for November appeared first on The Landlord Law Blog.
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