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Hemp Oil For Pet Injuries: Does it Help?


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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[COLOR=var(--awb-text-color)]Dogs and Cats alike have one thing in common, they love to get into trouble! Most of the time, this is good fun. However, sometimes our pets take a fall and injure themselves. This can be a difficult time for a pet owner. We love our pets and want to see them full of energy and joy! Most injuries that pets sustain heal up fine, however, there are times when injuries product persistent chronic pain—much like in people.

If your pet is experiencing pain from their injuries, what can you, the owner do?

Hemp oil has been shown to have a multitude of positive effects from assisting with anxiety reduction to affecting the frequency of seizures to protecting the nervous system from neurodegenerative diseases. However, the benefit we’re here to talk about today is pain management and pain relief.[/COLOR]

Can Hemp Oil Reduce my Pet’s Pain?

The Hemp Oil we offer is rich in cannabidiol and can offer pain relief as well as help reduce inflammation in your pet’s body.
Studies have shown that both hemp oil and CBD oil have pain mitigating properties through interacting with the
endocannabinoid system which is found in nearly all members of Animalia—quoting the study referenced.

Many of our customers have reported positive effects with their pets by introducing hemp and CBD products in the
management of pain both acute and chronic. What’s more, hemp-based products have not yet been shown to produce
any adverse effects, which has led to the large uptick in interest in trying these products both for people and animals.
This study conducted by Kogan, Hellyer, and Downing is a pilot study testing the waters for hemp oil. The results, to say
the least, were promising! The 90-day clinical trial found that of 32 dogs that were being administered CBD oil, only two
seemed to be completely unresponsive to CBD. The remainder of the dogs showed a notable improvement, “All 30 dogs
demonstrated improved pain, with their pain scale score decreasing from an average of 3.2 ± 2.2 (mean ± standard
deviation) to 0.97 ± 0.81, or an average change of −2.23 ± 2.3”.
In other words, pain was reduced pretty significantly which also led to mobility and range of motion improvements for
many of the dogs.

CBD Oil for Pet Injuries

Vitality Science provides products backed by science and formulated with love and care. With a focus on natural, holistic
remedies, we provide pet owners with the best products we possibly can. As dog and cat lovers ourselves, we know what
it’s like to see our beloved pets in pain.
Our Oregon Grown Hemp Oil can assist in reducing pain as well as a host of other effects such as promoting heart health
and reducing nausea and anxiety.

Contact Vitality Science at (575)-758-3985 today if you have any questions about your order or about our products!

The post Hemp Oil For Pet Injuries: Does it Help? appeared first on Vitality Science.
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