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Frugalize Your Groceries


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
Reaction score
Frugalize Your Groceries

We all gotta eat, so I thought I’d share how we do it the healthy, frugal way. This is predicated upon cooking most meals from scratch; however, you don’t have to make complicated, gourmet dishes–there are plenty of simple, quick, and healthy recipes, which the resident chef, Mr. Frugalwoods, will post here one day…we promise! After taking our Uber Frugal Month challenge, we realized we needed to spend less on groceries. In addition to not eating out, this is one of our most significant savings.​

Frugalwoods weekly grocery bill for 2 adults*: $35**

*Frugal Hound’s kibble not included in this calculation **This is approximate and varies based on our periodic Costco trips to stock-up on bulk items

Frugalwoods typical daily meal plan:

  • Breakfast:
    • whole grain oats (raw, not pre-packaged) with cinnamon and occasionally fruit
  • Lunch:
    • salad greens and homemade soup (bean, lentil, or vegetable), quinoa with veggies, or rice-and-beans with mushrooms.

Continue reading Frugalize Your Groceries at Frugalwoods.
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