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Frugalize Your Closet


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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Frugalize Your Closet

Taking a frugal approach to clothing can save you hundreds to thousands of bucks each year. And you don’t have to look like a ragamuffin! By carefully combing the thrift racks and seeking out deals on new stuff, you’ll take great joy in outfitting yourself for a fraction of the cost.

Frugal Wife’s Quick Guide to a Frugal Wardrobe:

  • Buy used whenever humanly possible.

  • Shop smart when you must buy new.

  • Wear things for a long time. Buy clothes that’ll last and don’t plan on throwing clothes away every year. Repair and sew instead of tossing.

  • Own less. Part of frugalizing is simplifying and being satisfied with fewer clothes.

  • How you launder matters.

    • Don’t rush to the wash–try to wear things at least twice before washing.

Continue reading Frugalize Your Closet at Frugalwoods.
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