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DIY Furniture Refinishing for Under $20


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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DIY Furniture Refinishing for Under $20

I have a fantastic jewelry chest/hutch that came to me as a hand-me-down from my family. I love its many compartments and slots for various bits and bobs, but it was suffering from a case of ’90s oak and gold finishes. I knew that we couldn’t redo our master bedroom without addressing this, ahem, little eyesore.

Now I am CERTAIN there’s a more correct way to do this, but, this method cost less than $20, was easy, and I did it by myself in a day. I’ve never painted a piece of furniture before, so don’t be daunted–you can do it!

Total cost: $19.47


  • Paint:
    • I used “Firecracker” by Behr
    • I only needed part of a quart for this whole project.

Continue reading DIY Furniture Refinishing for Under $20 at Frugalwoods.
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